As I said yesterday, we went to some church rummage sales and I picked up a number of Vintage Cookbooks. I now have them up in my store in the Cookbook section
here. Those newly listed cookbooks date from 1936 up to 1970 and there's some delicious recipes in each of them.
My favorite is the 1955 cookbook titled
Who Says We Can't Cook! issued by the Women's National Press Club with recipes from various members of the press. There's a whole section that has recipes from some of the top names in Washington: a Beef Stew Recipe for 60 from President Eisenhower as well as recipes from 1st Lady Mamie Eisenhower, former 1st Ladies Eleanor Roosevelt, Grace Coolidge and Bess Truman and then future 1st Lady Pat Nixon. Recipes from Sam Rayburn and LBJ and Washington's "most eligible bacholor" J. Edgar Hoover.
Also interesting is a 1948 cookbook titled
What's Cookin' from the Ladies Auxiliary for J.C. Blair Memorial Hospital in Huningdon, Pennsylvania. Interesting recipe? Wine Jelly!
Are you into hunting and cooking your game? Here's the 1970 cookbook
How To Cook His Goose (& Other Wild Game). Lots of great tips and recipes in this one.
And another favorite:
What You Can Do with Jell-o, a 1936 booklet. Other cookbooks now in stock are about
Chinese Cooking, cooking
Leftovers, other
International Cooking by the woman who ran Menus By Mail and a 1948 volume on
cooking things right.
Again, be sure to check out all of our
cookbooks at
Bon Appetit!