Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Happy 100th Birthday, Ian Fleming!

Today is the 100th anniversary of the British writer, Ian Fleming. Famed for the James Bond series of books, as well as the classic children's story "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang". Our story has a set of three classic Fleming James Bond's books - Casino Royale, Thunderball & You Only Live Twice. These are three very nice paperback editions from the 1960's.

Shaken, Not Stirred....

While you're at it, go all the way and enjoy a martini made from one of the recipes in the volume Vintage Cocktails for sale in my TSCSales store!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Silver Screen Books is now open!


I have added another store on, one specializing in books which are made into films. As my daughter asked, how many times have you commented after seeing a movie, something like "the book was better."? The books in this store have had films made from them.

I also have biographies of actors and as well as books written by performers in two other sections of the store.

But the bulk of our stock will be Books to Film. Check out Silver Screen Books now!