My son and I went down to Redsfest this month and the Reds were giving away a tote bag and a DVD at the festival. I've got a couple listed on eBay for sale. The listing ends on Friday so I can get them mailed before Christmas. Very nice item.
TSC Sales - You Never Know What I'll Have For Sale! Check out our various sale sites on eCrater.com, eBay.com and Amazon.com
More sections will be added as I have time and I haven't had a chance to stock the shelves, if you will, but will add more books as time allows. I've got a great number of good science fiction books.
One of the great finds I've put in the store is one lot of three James Bond novels: Thunderball, Casino Royale, and You Only Live Twice. The books are vintage Signet paperbacks from the mid 1960's. I even have an affordable overnight delivery option with in the contiguous 48 states.
Don't forget to check my inventory at Amazon too - everything here is also there. Just click on the link to the right.